possibly asked questions

what is this site?

this is a silly little website i made in my free time. it contains a lot of things that are fun, and also some info about me (NOTE: both of these parts are still work in progress, so stay tuned)

who are you?

i ask myself this every day. anyway, if you want to know more, click here

what did you use to make this website?

this website was coded by me and me alone. however, i did use several resources to help me

why does this website have so many edits?

its because my anxious brain keeps saving and checking to see if my code is right. dont worry about it too much

how did you come up with your username?

i dont remember how, but i do know ive had it since i was at most 10 years old. i used to go by many other usernames in the past, but i like this one the best

are you an anarchist?

i would not label myself as an anarchist. however, a lot of things that are features of anarchy (such as liberation) do appeal to me

why childrens rights in particular?

many reasons. to name a few, i was a miserable child, i was a victim of abuse and watched other children being victims of abuse too, i was not listened to by any adult (and watched other children not be listened to either), and i find the way my country treats neurodivergent children to be appalling

how long have you been into object shows?

since i was a 6 year old, in 2012. i stopped watching when jacknjellify got their adsense disabled, but came back when the issue was resolved

how long have you been making art?

as long as i can remember. i started making comics when i was around 12, and i started graffiti painting when i was around 15

will you make art for me?

i can draw you a sketch for free. i will not make a graffiti painting or rendered drawing for you unless you commission me via ko-fi

can we be friends/mutuals?

im kinda weary about who i follow back. but if youre cool, then perhaps!

i have an urgent message for you. where can i send it?

im most active on discord. i do not accept friend requests from people i dont share servers with on my main account. on my burner, inkpistachi0, i do. please only contact me via discord if the matter is urgent. i have my burner running in incognito mode in chrome most of the time, so ill see your request